Sunday, January 13, 2008

Coast to Coast a.m. with George Noory

There is a pretty interesting site called Coast to Coast that I check out occasionally. It has all sorts of paranormal things including aliens, ghosts, conspiracy, big foot, you name it. I love reading stuff like this. Don't ask why, I've always had an interest in the unknown and weird. Coast to Coast is also an a.m. radio show. They give links and highlights on what the days show is about. Don't forget to check out the cool pictures people send in to the website.
What is your favorite paranormal website? I would love to hear from anyone that has any suggested links.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a local (based out of Kenton) ghost hunting group that I'm a member of: Buckeye State Paranormal & Haunting Investigators. There website is found at

You can apply to join their group for free and join their forum boards. Gene (the group leader) can be a bit of a flirt at times, but for most part is a real good guy. The group is akin to TAPS in the idea that they are more scientifically bound, rather than just snapping a fuzzy picture and saying "yup, you're haunted."

When not working nights, do you ever get much chance to listen to Coast to Coast AM? I'm an infrequent listener, since I've worked nights for so long now, but I've been listening since Art Bell hosted (And then quit and come back, quit, come back, quit, etc. etc.) I think George has done well with the show since taking over and I like his sometime hint of skepticism versus Art's overly obliging attitude.

Let's see... other sites... there's but I've only recently found that one and don't have too much of an opinion yet. There's also the International Ghost Hunter's Society which is kinda of eeehh.

What all areas of the paranormal are you interested in? Primarily ghosts/spirits or does Bigfoot and Loch Ness interest you? E.T.'s and UFO's?

Wow... ok, before I start sounding too nerdy for my own good :) I'll wait for your reply.