Sunday, May 18, 2008

Back to work finally...

Well, today will be my first day back to work since I was laid off AGAIN at the end of March. I have had plenty of time on my hands as of late. I haven't really done much of anything interesting, besides housework, yardwork and the such.

Everyone in my household has been sick this past week. We are all doing better now. I've been trying to get everthing done that needs done around here before I get to work tonight. I didn't get everything, but at least almost all my laundry is done and put away.

I spent part of my day brainstorming new story ideas. I don't want to rehash all the overdone things out there already, but sometimes an idea sticks with you 'till you put in in words. It might work, it might not. Only time will tell. I want to write about things that I love to read. But again, a story about a vampire or werewolf has been done so many times that it takes a great imagination to pull of something that doesn't sound regurgitated and overdone. I keep trying out new ideas and start writing stories. I think I try to start things to quickly before I get a more solid idea about what my plot is or where I want to take my characters. Usually the story hits a wall. I get to the point that if I find myself struggling to get through a scene I get frustrated and go do something else for a while. Then I lose interest in the story and never go back to it or leave it sit for months on end before trying again. I get distracted easily. Maybe I have ADD or something, who knows. It's kinda like what I was telling my friend the other day about weight loss.
*Rummages through fridge*
"Man, I really need to go on a diet... WoooOOOOooo! Cream puffs!!"


Anonymous said...

Go big, ala Cloverfield. We need a big monster to embrace in the US. Like Godzilla in Japan, but something Americanized.

Carla said...

I'm not a big Godzilla fan...I like the dark and mysterious. Cloverfield was a good movie, except the ending. I have an idea of where I would like to go with it. Something with vampires, but hopefully with a twist, lol.